Hasta la vista, babe eeee!







Be kind, rewind!

That popular slogan used for VHS is what I'd also use to describe what you should do after finishing this film for the first time. The way that the film is cut up and edited together makes it hard to comprehend with only one watch. I believe I had to watch the film about 2 more times in order to understand the proper sequence of events happening in the film. Natural Born Killers is an obvious satire on how people idolize killers, with the news interviews of people in different countries saying how cool Mickey and Mallory are. While watching the film, I got the impression that the director was aiming for the movie to come across a very specific way, but it got muddled while in editing. What I mean by this is that you can see in some parts of the movie that it's meant to be comedical, but it just comes off as confusing to the watcher. For example, when showing how Mickey and Mallory first met, the way that the scene is set up is of that of an 80's sitcom. On the first watch, I was very confused on what was happening and why the style of film suddenly changed. Another thing, which I have the distaste of seeing, is people watching the movie and seeing it as a love story and something that they want to mimic with a partner. A popular instance of this is the Columbine Shooters, who named their attack on the school 'NBK'. Now, is it the directors fault that people see the movie and want to recreate it? Not exactly, but the way that the movie blurs the lines between satircal does seem to make some negative reviewers on IMDB grab their pitchforks and torches. Overall, I can appreciate the general concept of the film (along with the killer soundtrack, no pun intended), but if you plan to just sit down once for a first time watch and come out with a general understanding of the film, then don't bother. (Images pictured below are not mine).