Hasta la vista, babe eeee!






Nine Inch Nails — 4/5 Stars.

Sounds Like Gritty Sex in the Sewers?

I've been an avid Nine Inch Nails / Trent Reznor fan for a while... I mean, just look at my name! I think NIN has the perfect music for when you're jerkin' off, suddenly get disgusted, and hit with memories of sexual trauma. Now, I do think that the music would also be fun to dance to in an empty room with multi-colored flashin' lights, but that's just me. I own The Downward Spiral & With Teeth on CD, so to whoever's reading this; take my words very seriously. I am the only NIN fan ever! No, but actually, Trent Reznor is one of my favorite music artists and my love for NIN is intense. Do I recommend that you start listenin' to NIN if you don't already? Yes.